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Introduction to Jinko Solar and the Tiger Pro Series with dual glass P-type

Jinko Solar is one of the world’s largest and most innovative solar module manufacturers. Known for their high-quality and high-efficiency solar products, Jinko Solar has been at the forefront of solar technology advancements. Among their impressive lineup is the Jinko Tiger Pro series, representing a significant leap in solar module efficiency and performance.

The Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module with Dual Glass P-Type is a standout product in this series. This module is designed to offer superior performance, reliability, and versatility, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of solar energy applications.

Key Features and Specifications

The Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module is packed with features that make it one of the most advanced solar modules on the market. Here are some of the key specifications and features:

  1. High Power Output: With a power output ranging from 535 to 555 watts, this module is designed to deliver exceptional energy generation, making it ideal for large-scale solar installations.
  2. Bifacial Design: The bifacial design allows the module to capture sunlight from both the front and back sides, increasing the overall energy yield. This feature is particularly beneficial in environments with high albedo (reflective surfaces), such as snowy or sandy areas.
  3. Dual Glass Construction: The dual glass construction enhances the module’s durability and resistance to environmental factors. This design also improves the module’s ability to withstand extreme weather conditions, such as high winds and heavy snow loads.
  4. P-Type Monocrystalline Cells: The module uses P-Type monocrystalline cells, which are known for their high efficiency and long-term reliability. These cells are designed to minimize power degradation over time, ensuring a consistent and reliable energy output.
  5. Advanced Cell Technology: The Tiger Pro series incorporates advanced cell technologies, including multi-busbar (MBB) design and half-cut cell technology. These innovations reduce electrical losses, enhance current flow, and improve overall module efficiency.
  6. Enhanced Performance in Low-Light Conditions: The module is designed to perform well even in low-light conditions, such as early mornings, late afternoons, and cloudy days. This feature ensures a higher energy yield over the course of a day.
  7. Extended Warranty: Jinko Solar offers a comprehensive warranty for the Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module, including a 12-year product warranty and a 30-year linear power warranty. This extended warranty provides peace of mind for investors and system owners.

Advantages of Bifacial Modules

Bifacial modules, like the Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555, offer several advantages over traditional monofacial modules. These advantages contribute to their growing popularity in the solar industry:

  1. Increased Energy Yield: By capturing sunlight from both sides, bifacial modules can generate significantly more electricity than traditional modules. This increased energy yield translates to higher returns on investment for solar projects.
  2. Versatility in Installation: Bifacial modules can be installed in various configurations, including ground-mounted systems, rooftop installations, and even vertical installations. This versatility allows for greater flexibility in system design and deployment.
  3. Improved Performance in High Albedo Environments: In environments with high albedo, such as deserts, snowy regions, or areas with reflective surfaces, bifacial modules can harness additional reflected light, further boosting their energy output.
  4. Reduced Temperature Coefficients: Bifacial modules typically have lower temperature coefficients compared to traditional modules. This means they perform better in hot conditions, maintaining higher efficiency and output.
  5. Longevity and Durability: The dual glass construction of bifacial modules enhances their durability and resistance to environmental stressors. This design reduces the risk of microcracks and other forms of damage, extending the module’s lifespan.

Technological Innovations in the Tiger Pro Series

The Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module incorporates several cutting-edge technologies that contribute to its high performance and efficiency:

  1. Multi-Busbar (MBB) Technology: The MBB design involves using multiple thin wires instead of traditional busbars. This reduces the shading on the cells, enhances current flow, and improves overall module efficiency.
  2. Half-Cut Cell Technology: By cutting cells in half, electrical resistance is reduced, and the overall performance of the module is improved. Half-cut cells also reduce the impact of shading and hot spots, increasing the module’s reliability.
  3. Advanced Anti-Reflective Coating: The module’s glass surfaces are treated with an advanced anti-reflective coating, which increases light absorption and reduces reflection losses. This coating enhances the module’s overall efficiency.
  4. PERC Technology: Passivated Emitter Rear Contact (PERC) technology is used in the cells to improve light capture and electron flow. PERC cells have a passivation layer on the rear side, which helps to capture more light and increase efficiency.
  5. Optimized Cell Interconnection: The cell interconnection process is optimized to reduce electrical losses and enhance the module’s overall performance. This optimization includes precise cell spacing and advanced soldering techniques.

Applications of the Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module

The versatility and high performance of the Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module make it suitable for a wide range of applications:

  1. Utility-Scale Solar Projects: The high power output and increased energy yield of bifacial modules make them an excellent choice for large-scale solar farms. These projects can benefit from the enhanced efficiency and durability of the Tiger Pro modules.
  2. Commercial and Industrial Rooftops: The module’s robust design and high efficiency make it ideal for commercial and industrial rooftop installations. These systems can maximize energy generation and reduce electricity costs for businesses.
  3. Agricultural Applications: Bifacial modules can be installed on agricultural lands without significantly impacting the land’s usability. They can provide shade for crops and livestock while generating clean energy.
  4. Residential Installations: Homeowners looking to maximize their solar energy production can benefit from the high efficiency and performance of the Tiger Pro modules. These modules are suitable for rooftop installations and can significantly reduce residential electricity bills.
  5. Floating Solar Systems: The dual glass construction and enhanced durability of the Tiger Pro modules make them suitable for floating solar installations. These systems can be deployed on water bodies, providing a unique solution for land-constrained areas.
  6. Off-Grid and Remote Applications: In remote areas without access to the grid, the reliable performance and high energy yield of the Tiger Pro modules can provide a sustainable source of electricity.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

Jinko Solar is committed to sustainability and minimizing the environmental impact of their products. The Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module embodies this commitment through several key aspects:

  1. Reduced Carbon Footprint: By generating clean and renewable energy, the Tiger Pro modules help to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. This contributes to global efforts to combat climate change.
  2. Sustainable Manufacturing Practices: Jinko Solar employs sustainable manufacturing practices, including the use of recycled materials, energy-efficient production processes, and waste reduction initiatives. These practices minimize the environmental impact of the module’s production.
  3. Long Lifespan and Recyclability: The dual glass construction and high-quality materials used in the Tiger Pro modules contribute to their long lifespan. At the end of their useful life, the modules can be recycled, further reducing their environmental impact.
  4. Low Degradation Rates: The advanced technologies used in the Tiger Pro modules result in low degradation rates, ensuring a high level of performance throughout their lifespan. This reliability reduces the need for frequent replacements and associated environmental impacts.

Economic Considerations and Return on Investment

Investing in the Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module offers several economic benefits, making it an attractive option for solar energy projects:

  1. High Energy Yield: The bifacial design and advanced technologies result in a higher energy yield compared to traditional modules. This increased energy generation leads to higher returns on investment and shorter payback periods.
  2. Reduced Balance of System (BOS) Costs: The high power output of the Tiger Pro modules reduces the number of modules needed for a given system size. This, in turn, lowers the BOS costs, including mounting structures, wiring, and installation labor.
  3. Long-Term Reliability: The extended warranty and durable construction of the Tiger Pro modules provide long-term reliability and reduce maintenance costs. This reliability ensures consistent energy production and financial returns over the system’s lifespan.
  4. Incentives and Subsidies: Many regions offer incentives and subsidies for solar energy projects, including tax credits, grants, and feed-in tariffs. These financial incentives can further enhance the economic viability of projects using the Tiger Pro modules.
  5. Enhanced Property Value: Installing high-efficiency solar modules like the Tiger Pro can increase the value of residential and commercial properties. This added value is attractive to property owners and potential buyers.

Detailed Performance Analysis

The performance of a solar module is a critical factor in determining its overall effectiveness and return on investment. Here, we take a closer look at the detailed performance analysis of the Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module with Dual Glass P-Type.

  1. Efficiency Metrics: The Tiger Pro series boasts an impressive module efficiency, with values reaching up to 21.3%. This high efficiency is achieved through the integration of advanced technologies such as multi-busbar (MBB) design, half-cut cells, and PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Contact) technology. These innovations work together to maximize light capture and minimize electrical losses, ensuring that the module converts more sunlight into usable electricity.
  2. Temperature Coefficients: The temperature coefficient of a solar module indicates how its performance is affected by changes in temperature. The Tiger Pro modules have a low temperature coefficient of -0.35%/°C, which means that their performance degrades less in high-temperature environments compared to other modules. This characteristic is particularly beneficial in hot climates, where maintaining high efficiency can be challenging.
  3. Bifacial Gain: Bifacial gain refers to the additional energy generated by the backside of the module. Depending on the installation conditions and the reflectivity of the ground surface (albedo), bifacial modules can achieve a significant bifacial gain. For the Tiger Pro series, the bifacial gain can range from 5% to 30%, depending on the albedo and installation configuration. This gain is a substantial advantage, particularly in environments with high reflectivity, such as deserts or snow-covered areas.
  4. Durability and Longevity: The dual glass construction of the Tiger Pro modules significantly enhances their durability. Unlike traditional modules with a polymer backsheet, the dual glass design is more resistant to potential-induced degradation (PID), microcracks, and moisture ingress. This construction also improves fire resistance and mechanical strength, allowing the modules to withstand extreme weather conditions and reducing the risk of damage over time.
  5. Low-Light Performance: The Tiger Pro modules are designed to perform exceptionally well in low-light conditions. This performance is critical for maximizing energy yield during cloudy days, early mornings, and late afternoons. The advanced anti-reflective coating on the glass surfaces helps to increase light absorption, further enhancing low-light performance.

Case Studies and Real-World Applications

To better understand the impact and benefits of the Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module, it is useful to examine case studies and real-world applications where these modules have been deployed.

  1. Utility-Scale Solar Farm in the Middle East: A large utility-scale solar farm in the Middle East, where high temperatures and reflective desert surfaces are common, chose the Tiger Pro bifacial modules for their project. The bifacial design and low temperature coefficient of the modules resulted in a significant increase in energy yield compared to traditional monofacial modules. The project reported an average bifacial gain of 20%, translating to higher overall energy production and improved financial returns.
  2. Commercial Rooftop Installation in Europe: A commercial building in Europe installed the Tiger Pro bifacial modules on its rooftop to reduce electricity costs and lower its carbon footprint. The modules’ high efficiency and excellent low-light performance were particularly beneficial in this region, known for its variable weather conditions. The dual glass construction also provided added durability against potential snow loads, ensuring reliable performance throughout the year.
  3. Floating Solar System in Asia: In Asia, a floating solar system was developed on a large water reservoir using the Tiger Pro bifacial modules. The dual glass construction proved ideal for the humid and corrosive environment, offering enhanced resistance to moisture and potential-induced degradation. The bifacial design captured additional reflected light from the water surface, increasing the system’s overall energy output and providing a sustainable solution for land-constrained areas.
  4. Agrivoltaic Project in North America: An agrivoltaic project in North America integrated the Tiger Pro bifacial modules with agricultural activities. The modules were installed at an elevated height, allowing crops to grow underneath while generating electricity. The bifacial design not only increased energy production but also provided partial shading for the crops, reducing water evaporation and improving agricultural yields.

Installation and Maintenance Considerations

Proper installation and maintenance are crucial to maximizing the performance and longevity of the Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Optimal Tilt and Orientation: To fully leverage the bifacial design, it is essential to consider the optimal tilt and orientation of the modules. Installing the modules at an angle that maximizes sunlight exposure on both sides will enhance energy yield. Ground-mounted systems, for instance, can be designed with adjustable tilt angles to optimize performance throughout the year.
  2. Ground Surface Reflectivity: The reflectivity of the ground surface, or albedo, plays a significant role in the performance of bifacial modules. Installing the modules over surfaces with high albedo, such as white gravel, sand, or reflective materials, can significantly increase the bifacial gain. For rooftop installations, painting the roof surface white or using reflective materials can enhance performance.
  3. Cleaning and Maintenance: Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential to ensure optimal performance of the modules. Dust, dirt, and other debris can accumulate on the module surfaces, reducing light absorption and overall efficiency. Implementing a regular cleaning schedule, especially in dusty or polluted environments, will help maintain high energy production.
  4. Monitoring and Performance Analysis: Implementing a robust monitoring system allows for real-time tracking of the module’s performance. Monitoring key metrics such as energy output, temperature, and bifacial gain provides valuable insights into the system’s operation and helps identify any potential issues early. This proactive approach ensures that the modules continue to perform at their best over their lifespan.

Future Trends and Innovations

The solar industry is continually evolving, with new technologies and innovations emerging to improve efficiency and performance. The Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module is already at the cutting edge of solar technology, but future trends and advancements are likely to further enhance its capabilities:

  1. Improved Bifacial Technologies: Ongoing research and development in bifacial technologies are expected to yield even higher bifacial gains. Innovations in cell design, materials, and module construction will further optimize light capture and energy generation from both sides of the module.
  2. Enhanced Module Efficiency: Continuous improvements in cell efficiency and module design will push the boundaries of overall module efficiency. Advances in perovskite-silicon tandem cells, for example, hold the potential to achieve efficiencies beyond current limits, offering even greater energy yields.
  3. Integration with Smart Grid Technologies: As smart grid technologies become more prevalent, integrating solar modules with grid management systems will enhance energy distribution and grid stability. Advanced monitoring and control systems will optimize energy production and consumption, ensuring efficient use of solar power.
  4. Energy Storage Solutions: The integration of solar modules with energy storage solutions, such as lithium-ion batteries, will enable better management of energy generation and consumption. These hybrid systems will provide reliable power supply, even during periods of low sunlight or high energy demand.
  5. Sustainable Manufacturing Practices: The solar industry is increasingly focusing on sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing processes. Future advancements will likely include the use of more eco-friendly materials, further reducing the carbon footprint of solar modules.


The Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module with Dual Glass P-Type is a remarkable example of cutting-edge solar technology. Its high power output, bifacial design, and advanced cell technologies make it an excellent choice for a wide range of solar energy applications. From utility-scale projects to commercial and residential installations, the Tiger Pro modules offer superior performance, durability, and economic benefits.

As the world continues to transition towards renewable energy sources, the demand for high-efficiency and reliable solar modules will only grow. The Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module is well-positioned to meet this demand, providing a sustainable and economically viable solution for harnessing the power of the sun.

Investing in the Jinko Tiger Pro modules not only contributes to a cleaner and greener future but also ensures long-term financial returns and energy security. With ongoing advancements and innovations in solar technology, the future of solar energy looks brighter than ever, and the Jinko Tiger Pro series is leading the way.

The Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module with Dual Glass P-Type represents a significant advancement in solar module technology. Its high power output, bifacial design, and advanced cell technologies make it a top choice for a wide range of solar energy applications. With its enhanced performance, durability, and economic benefits, the Tiger Pro module offers a compelling solution for those looking to invest in renewable energy.

Jinko Solar’s commitment to sustainability and innovation is evident in the Tiger Pro series, which is poised to make a substantial impact on the solar industry. As the demand for clean energy continues to grow, products like the Jinko Tiger Pro 535-555 Bifacial Module will play a crucial role in meeting global energy needs while reducing environmental impacts.

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